Saturday, 8 November 2008

Gorilla "foam Latex Appliance" & cheap hair!

So I like thing's Ape.

One example of this is here:

This is one of my apemania gorilla appliance's on a spandex hood, with a cheap Do! it's still needs to be finished but it's getting there.

The great thing with Apemania is the mask's are from screen molds, it's a licenced product so there's no need for any skull-duggery in getting a hold of one but in the world of appliances they aint cheap, you will need to go Ape with the wallet but Brian & the gang are a professional Hollywood SFX company so you get what you pay for.

Check out for other cool Monkey stuff. btw Brian & the Troupe there are top guy's & they have a layaway offer on the merchendise which comes in handy.

Buffy! Hush! "Gentelmen"

Ok! So whilst getting the hang of this I'm going to start with the most recent stuff first.
So first up, here's the newest little piece of my screen memorabillia in the odd's & end's collection.

It's a foam latex Appliance from the TV series Buffy TVS, the Character is one of the Gentlemen from the Fourth Series: Episode Hush, the Piece is numbered 1 & was not used on screen but was in the production, hense the lack of make-up/paint.
IMHO! I think It's one of the best Scary monsters ever, with vitually no dialogue through the whole episode it's a creepy entity that goes back to horror basics.

Here's a shot of what it looked like on the small screen with make up & ensemble. I'll post up some better pic's when I've the time.
The mask itself arrived quickly, well packaged & with an authentic COA, so I'm a happy Bunny.

I hope to add a few more items to this collection as I'm a big Buffy Fan, "Hush" & "once more with Feeling" are two of my all time favourite things to watch. Another plus is this gives me another great example of how to sculpt something sinisterly cool for when I break out the clay ltr on.

Monkeypaws Epmorium is now open

Hello & welcome to me monkeypaw & this, my small space of the internet, my Monkeypaw Emporium.

Here you will find things I either make, buy, like & or have a general interest in.

First up!
Here's pictorially what's most like me & encapsulates my attitude to the world of cyberspace & life.

I'm on the endangered list!!! well not really, I'm just a little Shy but still like to see whats going on & add my 2 cents of course!.

more monkey High jinx to follow...

Prequel to the Emporium opening

Hello & welcome to me Monkeypaw & my soon to open' little bit of internet space.

Here you will find an ecltectic mix of thing's I like, make buy or am just generally interested in ranging from screen used props, replica prop's, leater craft, Costumes, Sculpting, SFX make-up, Foam latex Appliances, music, flilms, books any everything else... including a sales & a WTB page.
here's an action shot of an SDS TK by AA with partial MR E-11

I'll get onto TK's ltr with the good, the bad & the other's, plus share one or two hard to find items & as a parting shot untill the Emporioum opens, the world of TK is very much like the realm of the X-files, in so much as you "trust no one".